05 June 2009

My life moves in one direction: Forward.

Yourself: Imaginative
Your hair: Curly
Your Mother: Kind
Your Father: Handsome
Your Favorite Item: My records
Your dream last night: Walking across bridges in Germany (?!)
Your Favorite Drink: Grape juice
Your Dream Car: Vespa
Your Dream Home: In France
The Room You Are In: the office
Your fear: Death of people I love
Where you Want to be in Ten Years? An artist/designer with a studio of her own
Who you hung out with last night: my doggies
What You're Not: Concise
Muffins: Blueberry
One of Your Wish List Items: Pushing Daisies season 2 DVDs
The Last Thing You Did: Ate lunch
What You Are Wearing: Jeans and a white shirt
Your favorite weather: Temperate
Your Favorite Book: The Arrival by Shaun Tan
Last thing you ate: Enchiladas
Your Life: Moving forward
Your mood: Sleepy
Your Best Friend: Intelligent
What are you thinking about right now: Art school in France
Your car: Charcoal gray
What are you doing at the moment: This meme
Your summer: Cycling and swimming
Relationship status: Single
What is on your TV: Usually old movies or cartoons
What is the weather like: Warm and rainy
When is the last time you laughed: An hour ago maybe

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